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Dog Grooming

Dog grooming is an essential part of your dogs life. They should be introduced to a dog groomer/salon at a young age as it will become a fun experience each time they visit. Most dogs should have regular grooms & VISITS between 6-8 weeks (Lhasa apso, Shihtzh, Cockapoo etc) and the smooth coated breed Labrador/bull dog should visit every couple of months.


Introducing your puppy (Recommended after they have had all there injections) 

Feel free to pop into the salon and introduce them just gets them used to the smells, sounds and the groomers! i can give some advise and tips on getting your puppy confident. I offer a puppy package £20 which is ideal for those nervous little puppies. this include bath, bath, hygiene nails,pads tidy of face and feet and loads of cuddles to make their 1st experience as they want to remember as been nice!! 


Brushing + Combing

Regular brushing removes excess hair from your dog’s coat, It also helps distribute the natural oils in your dog’s fur and skin, keeping their coat healthy and looking its best. Brushing is also a great way to check your dog’s health. While you brush, look at the condition of her coat. Is it matted or tangled? Dry or oily? Also look for lumps, ticksfleas, hair mats, cuts, and anything that looks unusual. Get yourself a slicker brush and a fine tooth comb! Brush over the dogs coat getting under the armpits or where they have a harness. use the comb to tense through any knots this is the key tool to brushing your dog. Smooth coated dont need as much brushing but once a month with a curry brush will help remove the dead skin cells from the coat.


Bathing and drying 

Most dogs would rather skip bath time, but bathing plays an important role in the health of your dog’s coat and skin, helping to keep your dog clean and free of dirt and parasites.  And of course, there’s the added benefit of making your pooch more pleasant to be around. At the salon i offer bathing and drying from £10. We have a hydro-bath and use Wild wash shampoos where we have a dry/itchy skin one, puppy one and everyday use one all smelling lovely!!



This is probably best left to your groomer as they have better restraint and understand how to cut the nail. Do dogs nails for £5 no appointment needed. there is a range of nail clippers in pet store cut the nail at a 45 degree angle. inside the nail there is a blood vessel if this is nipped the nail will bleed just get a bar of soap or flour and press onto the nail for about 10-20 secs this compacts the nail to stop it bleeding.

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